People at work are thinking that you have an eating disorder.
You are afraid to stay in hotel rooms with anyone other than your immediate family
if its all in your head why does my butt hurtYou go to the toilet more than five times a day
You get excited when you only have to flush once to get it all down
You know where all the public bathrooms are within 5 miles of home
And you have rated them
You look forward to a colonoscopy because it means just a few more visits than normal to the toilet during prep and no visits to the toilet for at least a day after the procedure
Your coworkers (if you still have a job) aren’t sure if your office is in the toilet or not
You have a list of too many foods to count that you can’t eat anymore
You have a list of too many meds to count you are taking or have taken
Please add more...
This is where practicing those linebacker skills from long ago help diesanduhr!!
You weigh 135 pounds today, and 100 pounds tomorrow.
You have more in common with the elderly than with people your own age. (Arthritis? Cool! Me too!)
You know how many tiles are on your floor, ceiling, and walls.
You know how many tiles it takes for your feet to fit perfectly inside them.
You've read every bottle in your your bathroom, three times over. AND you wonder why you don't get paid to write those things by now.
You have an "oh shit" handle in your bathroom for when times get scary
You have 2 sizes in your wardrobe size 'flaring' and size 'not flaring' ( I guess thats if your lucky and have non flaring times).
When you have diaper rash worse than your 4 month old niece.
And I'm jealous of everyone who gets a break in toilet visits after a colonoscopy. I swear, I ate dinner afterward, and was back on the toilet less than an hour after getting home from the hospital. Ridiculous.
You may have Crohn's if you could win a 100 meter race whilst undoing and pulling your trousers down.
You went to the bathroom at 6:00 AM but you did not get out of bed until 6:05.
You read this thread ,nod your head and laugh, cause everyone of them is sooooo true!
You know you have Crohns when you buy panty liners to put at the back of your undies, just in case, but don't use them for their designated purpose.
When you know how to read your CT scan, test results
When you tell you're doctor what is the best treatment plan for you and it's the right one
When not going to the toilet for a day means there is something wrong and freaks you out
When you can't keep a job more than 3 months
When not normal things to most people sound very normal to you
When you stop noticing you have pain
When you check your poop every time you go
When you look between your legs while pooping and it splashes on your face
...your on this forum more than facebook forget your not on the forum and start telling facebook about your poop